Monday, December 27, 2010

Uncle Bill and Aunt Claudia

HELLO!!! from sunny Ft. Sumner. Had a great Christmas. Pam and Tracy came in and stayed the week. CharliRay and Kim were here then gone then came back and we had a great visit. Velma and Harold, Darrel and Brenda all came over Sunday for dinner and as in the true "Modrall way"... we pulled out some FOOD! It was all good of course! Kim got harrassed a little about who ate the chocalte pudding pie, but it turned out it was Velmas and someone else had gotten into it.
Your Uncle Bill is doing well. He scoots around in his scooter and I am sure Kim will publish a few pics she took. I am doing well also. Just taking care of my sweet Bill.
Hope everyone has a Happy New Year!!!!

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